Sell on

Ady Blaze Corporation accepting limited sellers only, If you have a business of manufacturing, retailing or shop and you are selling offline then we have some features that we can provide you. If you are interested to sell your products online to all over India, fill the Seller registration form and take your business online. Its easy to sell and ship with Ady Blaze Corporation we have all courier partners like Ecom, Bluedart, Delhivery etc your order will be shipped by these courier partners. Our commission rate is 15% only and you will have to pay courier charge too. If the order gets buyer return you will have to bear one side courier charge and if order gets RTO then we will not charge any logistic cost.

How to sell ?

First of all you need to take a GSTIN and PAN card, then you can contact us. GSTIN and PAN are compulsory we can not accept your application without it. Bank account is also necessary, you can give us saving/current account details.

Documents required

  • PAN card copy
  • GSTIN certificate copy
  • Copy of Address proof
  • Bank account details and cancel cheque
  • Adhaar card of authorized person

Payment cycle

Our payment cycle is on every month’s 15th and 1st date, which order will get delivered between these payment cycle you will get the payment of that order.


We request you to keep in mind if you will send different item then you will be charged Rs.500 as a penalty. So we request you to keep your inventory updated and do not send wrong sizes or wrong item to customer. Thank you