FM Whatsapp Latest Version Download

We have uploaded latest apk of FM Whatsapp you can download from this article. This is the MOD apk of whatsapp you will get more features than Whatsapp which is available on playstore. You will not get this on playstore so you will have to download on our website.

fmwhatsapp FM Whatsapp Latest Version Download

FM Whatsapp features

  1. You can change the theme like background color, text color etc
  2. You can hide last seen and you can freeze your last seen for years
  3. You hide status viewed so no will know you have seen his/her status
  4. You can hide blue tick or you can change it to single tick
  5. You can view deleted massages
  6. You can view deleted status
  7. You can upload 5min videos in status
  8. You can set blue tick after your reply
  9. You can change font and theme color
  10. You can change layout too

Download apk

File type.APK
Compatible Android

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