Adil Rasheed

Adil Rasheed

My name is Adil Rasheed, I'm a professional blogger, developer, designer, businessman who loves to write unique articles about new technology and blogging. This portal is developed and designed by me in 2011 and still updating latest features and option to make you better with tech world. Thank you

Start a Blog with WordPress

wordpress blogging
If you are thinking about to start a stunning blog, wordpress will be the best way as i think. Because 90% bloggers are using the wordpress to describe their topics with people. Blogging is the best way to tell the people about latest technology, fashion tips, health tips etc, I'm not saying other platforms are bad. No no every blogging platform is good but

Snapdeal losing sellers

These days snapdeal turning into worst marketplace in India because of their policies. If you are seller on snapdeal and selling products check your payment details snapdeal is deducting charges of RTOs you will see the deducted amount in payment summary.

How to earn money with Admob

Hello guys today i’m going to tell you how to earn with google’s admob. You will have to work on daily basis on admob. What is Admob? Its a feature of Google which allows you to create advertisement campaign on…